More useful features and improvements with release 2024.02.
Release Notes - Flex - R2024.02
What's new
- We've introduced an option to view space guides or safety instructions that are attached to a space as additional information.
- Expanded bookings in series, where Recurring bookings were previously available, with Multiple bookings without any pattern.
- Read in the Multiple bookings without any pattern section here: Advanced Booking in Flex
- Added the Tags feature for booking records.
- The Single Booking page can be turned off for an organisation.
- Added an option to select the default System Filter under Settings > Workplace Preferences > SEARCH RESULTS in case the filter has been set up for the role and that role has access to OneLens 360 too.
- Added the Notes feature for visitors that only the host and the operational team will see.
- You can add a branded logo to IBSS Hub apps.
What's changed
- We've changed the look of the booking details page when creating or editing a single booking. Date and time have a separate view card now, and the availability check is enabled for the bookings that require additional setup and reset activities.
- Separated permission to view who's booked next to you on the map from viewing the Find a colleague page.
- Added tooltips throughout.
- Booking confirmation screens now have a new quick link to add tags to your booking and conveniently lists all bookings in a series of recurring or multiple bookings for the reference and quicker access to editing.
- We've increased the number of visitors that are pulled from the system in one go from 200 to 300 to allow for easier management of large groups.
- Removed unnecessary visitor approval call if the user who creates the visit already has necessary permissions.
- Added a new Continue editing button to the booking confirmation screen.
What's fixed
Updated with the following builds:
- IBSS Hub: 1.24.20240911.3
- IBSS User API: 1.24.8979.23532
- IBSS Data Entry API: 1.24.9014.13137
- IBSS Data API: 1.24.897923524
- Changed the validation check for the same space type during space booking to enable desk bookings or bookings of other spaces with the capacity for 1 person on behalf of visitors and concurrently for self.
Initial release builds:
- IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240515.15 / R3587
- IBSS API: / 2350
- IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
- IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
- IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
- The Auto Check In checkbox works fine now.
- The Check In button is not active outside the booking time and the early check-in time if available.
- It is visually clear that the booking name is the mandatory field when creating a new booking.
- Fixed map view loading.
- Date is displayed correctly if it is past your preferred working day.
- Fixed the ability to cancel the amended booking that was made for someone else.
- Proper Node ID is used now for cancelling a booking.
- When searching for a colleague, name and email address are shown in suggestions.
- My Bookings page doesn't use the node ID of the building that is selected in OneLens 360 anymore.
- Fixed displaying of the added attendees upon reopening the booking.
- Fixed displaying bookings on the Schedule View page.
- Fixed displaying of the newly added visitor on the page, too.
- The My Schedule > Bookings page displays correct results.
- Users can remove their visitor records without any issues now.
- The Add Attendee popup fields now allow entering double names for attendees and companies.
- On the Schedule View page, selected space is correctly displayed when creating the booking.
- Privacy Policy isn't shown if it isn't added for the organisation.
- Fixed time validation against building local time.
- We've aligned how space types are listed across apps.
- If the building that is set as default under Settings > Workplace Preferences > BUILDING has been removed or marked as disabled, user can login with no issues now, and a popup offers re-select a new default building.
- Visitor's and user's email can use an apostrophe now.
- Fixed displaying a proper error when setup and reset operational time slots fail to be booked.
- Fixed styling issues in the dark mode on the Find a colleague, My Schedule > Bookings, and Catering Order pages.
- Fixed date and time formats for service and clean-up when creating a Catering Order.
- The Book a space tile is hidden from the home page if the user is logged in and doesn't have the FLEX.Search.Spaces permission.
- Fixed WCAG and other visual issues.
Known issues
- If the user doesn't have permission to book unlimited spaces and makes a linked space booking, it is possible that this booking is not counted towards the bookings a user is allowed to make. This means that some people may be able to book a desk, a single room, and a linked room all at the same time.
- If the user has also OneLens 360 permissions and wants to manage their linked spaces bookings or booking with changed layout along with their corresponding setup and reset time bookings, for now, it is enabled in OneLens 360 only.
- On the Schedule View page, when manually changing the date, the app will crash. Use the Jump to Today button and calendar picker to continue working with Flex.
- After you've saved your default filter for a certain building in Settings, it isn't shown as saved when you select the same building.
- You cannot edit a booking of a single space to a booking of linked spaces or a booking with a different layout because such bookings require a setup and reset time slots before and after the meeting and they are not automatically added for now. Delete your current booking and create a new one with layout or linked space instead.
- If the user who has the permission to book on behalf of someone else has created a booking on behalf of a visitor, and then tries to edit this visitor booking to be at the same time as his own other existing booking, the system will not allow this and show an error. If the two bookings for the visitor and for self are created initially for the same time, this works fine.
- Linked space bookings are not reflected on the space card when user views that space in the map view.
OneLens 360
Release Notes - OneLens 360 - R2024.02
What's new
- Notes are available for bookings and visitors where only booking owner, host, and operational team will see those notes.
- We've added a new Booking Dashboard page with System Filters for teams to manage a certain set of spaces.
- Read more here: Bookings section in OneLens 360
- System Filters are available on the Booking List page as well.
- The new Tag feature for booking records enables more structured space management approach.
- Under the Catering section, we've added a new Pantry Timeline page with a convenient switcher to view either catering orders along with delivery and clean-up tasks or just the catering orders.
- When editing a space in Schedule View, initial search criteria can now be amended to find a better suitable space for the meeting.
- Added the new Time for Clean-up column on the Today's Catering Orders page.
- Added the new Zone column to the booking list page.
- You can add a branded logo to IBSS Hub apps.
- Catering orders can be viewed and updated from a slide-out panel directly on the listing page.
What's changed
- For bookings that have associated setup and reset slots, approval and deny actions are disabled if setup and/or reset slot is selected without the main booking slot.
- The Visitor detail page is updated with the Arrival location field and the new option to add notes.
- When editing a visitor record, the Created by status is now visible.
- The Orphaned Users page is renamed to Orphaned Bookings and it now shows only those deleted users who have future bookings.
- If the booking fails to successfully be amended, the associated catering order and any other resources are not updated separately.
- We've increased the number of visitors that are pulled from the system in one go from 200 to 300 to allow for easier management of large groups.
- Removed the unnecessary visitor approval call if the user who creates the visit already has necessary permissions.
- When creating and updating bookings, the latest API calls are now used.
- Catering order action button on the slide-out panel have moved up on the panel for better usability.
What's fixed
Updated with the following builds:
- IBSS Hub: 1.24.20240911.3
- IBSS User API: 1.24.8979.23532
- IBSS Data Entry API: 1.24.9014.13137
- IBSS Data API: 1.24.897923524
- Changed the validation check for the same space type during space booking to enable desk bookings or bookings of other spaces with the capacity for 1 person on behalf of visitors and concurrently for self.
Initial release builds:
- IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240515.15 / R3587
- IBSS API: / 2350
- IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
- IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
- IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
- We've aligned how space types are listed across apps.
- Fixed the time that is displayed for booking and the associated catering order.
- Visitor's and user's email can use an apostrophe now.
- Fixed images for the announcements to be uploaded in the correct folder.
- Fixed time zone calculation on the Booking List page to reflect the building local time.
- Fixed time zone on the Space Analytics Overview page.
- Visit with the same start and end time cannot be created.
- The Booking Edit page and Booking List page now correctly use Floor ID instead of Building ID to cancel a booking.
- Optimised unnecessary duplicate API calls.
- Fixed the blank page issue when editing a System Notification.
- Fixed the blank page issue when creating building announcements for Roamer and Flex.
- Creating a building announcement for Inspire is now saved with the correct uppercase subclassification.
- Orphaned booking can be removed by the user who has the Delete right enabled for Bookings under Data Security.
- Map view displays and is responsive.
- No error is shown on the Catering Menu edit page if no changes were made.
- Fixed the issue with editing Dietary Terms.
- If a user has the OneLens360.OperationalServices.Bookings permission disabled, they can still access OneLens 360 and will have the Operations > Bookings section disabled for them.
- If a user has all permissions for OneLens 360, the home page loading issue has been resolved.
- Fixed navigation links, styling, scaling, and other UI issues for several pages.
- Fixed styling issues for the dark mode.
- In Schedule View, we've disabled the option to manually change the date. The calendar picker allows selecting the needed date, and the app doesn't crash.
- On the Booking List page, applying the Custom Filter doesn't change the selected date range for the records that you want to view.
- On the Announcements page, time stamps are using the correct UTC format.
- Catering Order pages are now using correct time zone.
Known issues
- Building announcements are sent on creation time instead of the selected Available_From time.
- Floor and zone information cannot be exported with booking details.
- If the user has OneLens 360 permissions but wants to use Flex to manage linked spaces bookings or booking with changed layout along with their corresponding setup and reset time bookings, for now, it is enabled in OneLens 360 only.
- On the Schedule View and Booking Dashboard pages, when manually changing the date, the app will crash. Refresh the page and use calendar picker to change dates.
- If the user who has the permission to book on behalf of someone else has created a booking on behalf of a visitor, and then tries to edit this visitor booking to be at the same time as his own other existing booking, the system will not allow this and show an error. If the two bookings for the visitor and for self are created initially for the same time, this works fine.
Admin Portal
Release Notes - Admin Portal - R2024.02
What's new
- We introduced new Tags and System Filters pages to set up tags and filters for the organisation.
- Read more about Tags here: Tags in Admin Portal
- Read more about System Filters here: Creating System Filters in Admin Portal and here: Creating queries for System Filters
- Added a new section to the Booking Policy page to enable setting the default setup and reset times for the spaces that are assigned to that booking policy.
- Added a security check with the new ADMINPORTAL.Users.ShowUserPreferences permission for the user role to be able to view PIN details of other users under Manage > Users > User Preferences tab when a user is selected.
- Now you can add a branded logo to IBSS Hub apps, and it is set up in Admin Portal.
- Read more about branding here: Custom branding for IBSS web apps
What's changed
- Non-admin users cannot access the Booking Policies, Roles, or Users pages due to enhanced security hardening.
What's fixed
- Updated mandatory field validation and visual hints for the Spaces Management page. Mandatory fields are correctly marked with asterisk.
- When adding or editing a booking policy and selecting a user role to approve bookings of spaces under this policy, we changed the button from Filter to Search to properly reflect that you can search for a certain user role.
- Fixed navigation links, styling, scaling, and other UI issues for several pages.
- Fixed styling issues for the dark mode.
- Aligned how space types are listed across apps.
Known issues
- SVG image format is not rendered although supported for file upload.
- Maximum recurrence that is set by the booking policy is not enforced for this release and will default to 52.
Core & API
Release Notes - Core & API - R2024.02
What's new
- Added the following permissions to support new functionality:
- API.Bookings.OverrideSetupTeardown
- API.Bookings.BookOutsideSlots
- API.Bookings.ShowPersonalInformation
- API.Users.CheckPin
- ADMINPORTAL.PortfolioSetup.TagDefinitions
- ADMINPORTAL.Users.ShowUserPreferences
- FLEX.UserPreferences.CostCodes
- ONELENS360.OperationalServices.OrphanedUsers
- Enabled the newly introduced default setup and reset times to be used by booking policies.
- Introduced a setting to define the period of time after which the historical visitor records are removed from the archive.
- Implemented compliance mechanisms with GDPR and other privacy regulations.
- Introduced new mechanism to store the audit log.
- Enabled use of Tags functionality.
- Enabled use of System Filters functionality for all apps in Hub.
- Enabled Notes functionality for the Bookings and Visits record types, where, for now, HUB uses the one for Bookings only.
- Created new endpoints:
- GET /v2/bookings-summary/daily
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{spaceid}/catering-menu
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/my-primaries-bookings
- PATCH /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/{bookingid}/deny
- PATCH /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/{bookingid}/approve
- Added a new search validation test around recurring bookings.
What's changed
- Reviewed the heartbeat protocol.
- Migrated IBSS API to .NET 8.
- Changed the mechanism that IBSS uses for sending emails. This change has no impact on users.
- Enabled string trimming for the Identity Providers and Identity Provider ID calls to make sure that clientId, tenantDomain, tenantId, clientSecret, name, additionalAudiences, and nameClaimType are all trimmed.
- Improved performance by removing the TelemetryClient.Flush() method.
- Removed the following permissions:
- API.Bookings.IgnoreAllPolicyRestrictions
- ONELENS360.OperationalServices.DeletedUsers
- Removed recursion for catering calls except for Catering Orders.
- POST V2 spaces/search returns now full date and time with the trailing Z.
- Optimised error and cancellation handling for the following calls:
- POST /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/search
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-menu/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-menuitem/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-order/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-order-policy/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-restriction/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/catering-supplier/download
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/download
Updated the following endpoints to include the Space_Name and Space_Id fields:
- POST /v2/{nodeid/visits
- PUT /v2/{nodeid/visits/{visitid}
- PATCH /v2/{nodeid/visits/{visitid}
- Merged into one the three API calls for setup, main booking, and reset slots.
- Handle recurring bookings as part of the Series bookings approach.
- Made updates to handle Orphaned Bookings.
- Connectors Configuration data model is now part of the Event Type definition in SQL.
- Improved Request Model.
- Removed booking validation tests:
- VT007 Does the specified space allow bookings by admins only
- VT012 Is the booking start date on a day that the space is not available
- VT018 Is the specified party more than the capacity
- VT025 Does the booking overlap with any other booking made by someone else for the same space
- Changed booking validation tests:
- VT011 Is the booking start date on date that the space is not available
- VT013 Is the booking start date on day after the booking horizon
- VT014 Is the booking start/end time outside the hours specified for this space in the booking policy
- VT023 Does the user have the right to make a linked booking
- VT024 Does the booking overlap with any other booking made by Owner of the booking
- Extended /v2/{nodeid}/catering-order to include Booking start and end if associated to a booking.
- Changed which characters are supported in creating a Visit ID. Excluded are: 0 1 2 3 5 A E I O U L N S Z, supported characters are: 4 6 7 8 9 B C D F G H J K M P Q R T V W X Y.
- Deprecated V2 catering-order/order-items endpoints.
What's fixed
- Removed defaults for all app settings that are set by the user.
- Added all available permissions to the Admin Portal UI.
- Implemented the duplicate user check to handle the error when creating a new user.
- Environmental Zone Summary is now properly calculated.
- Fixed the file uploading issue.
- Reduced unnecessary calls in the system when making requests to fetch bookings.
- Fixed error codes and error messages.
- Booking Policies are validated against Node ID and Space ID.
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/download now properly handles the xxx_local time fields.
- Fixed the issue when the booking owner name has been changed to their email when editing the booking that was made for someone else.
- Fixed the error message for booking outside of the building office hours.
- Fixed the error message for invalid booking times to include dynamic details.
- It is not possible to move a task to assigned state if the resolver is not indicated.
- Fixed also the task to move to the Awaiting Re-Allocation state if it is unassigned.
- Visits are now returned for Node ID 1.
- If the start time is less than 5 minutes in the past, the API will add 5 minutes to the start time, so it isn't rejected. This primarily impacts booking on Unity and single booking in Flex.
- If a building is set to require visitor approval, visitors aren't approved automatically anymore.
- If a booking is made on behalf of someone else and the Booking_AutoCheckIn field is in the booking policy, the booking is auto-checked in and does not auto-cancel if not manually checked in.
- Updating a booking that was created on behalf of someone else is now setting the owner fields correctly.
- Ensured hat Booking_Share_Loc is correctly filled out in the Booking Parties table based on the user preferences.
- Fixed the Space_Work_Type filter and POST /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/search supports it now.
- GET/v2/{nodeid}/catering now correctly uses Floor Node ID instead of Building Node ID.
- PATCH v2/bookings correcly checks for linked spaces.
- GET /v1/Service/CachedData works only when the user is logged in.
- Fixed booking on behalf on someone else that was caused by incorrect cost code allocation.
- Fixed booking name population for the new visitor record.
- Permissions to create recurring bookings works properly now.
- Fixed displaying user's bookings if they have no permissions to book on behalf of someone else.
- The booking is auto checked in with the booking start time if enabled.
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/bookings returns all correct booking parties and booking resources.
- PartyCount removed from the example payload in V2 Bookings POST/PUT/PATCH endpoints.
- If using PATCH /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{spaceid}/checkin to check in to the space or PATCH /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{spaceid}/checkout to check out, the booking needs to be created in UTC time zone.
- If creating a booking using POST /v2/{nodeid}/bookings call, and then use PUT /v2/{nodeid}/bookings to change the space to the one on a different floor, original Booking Parties are now cancelled and not updated to have the new Space IDs.
- Space availability validation is fixed and respects setup and reset times for existing bookings.
- Disabled creating a visit with the same start and end time using the POST /V2/{nodeid}/Visits call.
- Booking cannot be created if it requires setup and reset activities and the setup time starts in the past.
- Spaces cannot be search for the time in the past.
- Start time cannot be edited for the booking that requires setup and reset time once the setup time has elapsed. Booking details such as name, description can still be updated.
- Space_Arrival_Loc is enabled when adding a visitor.
Known issues
- IBSS supports 300 nodes per environment now, buildings and floors included. Read more here: Number of nodes within one environment.
- Column sort options have been disabled in the user interface. The ability to sort is expected to be added directly to the API in an upcoming release.
- If someone makes a linked space booking, it is possible that this booking is not counted towards the bookings a user is allowed to make. This means that some people may be able to book a desk, a single room, and a linked room all at the same time.
- When two users are defined using two different AAD connections, but both users have the same email address, than the system may not always be able to determine which of the users has been selected. The recommendation is to not have two users with the same email address.
- Building announcements are sent on creation instead of the selected Available_From time.
- Maximum recurrence that is set by the booking policy is not enforced for this release and will default to 52.
- You cannot edit a booking of a single space to a booking of linked spaces or a booking with a different layout because such bookings require a setup and reset time slots before and after the meeting and they are not automatically added for now. Delete your current booking and create a new one with layout or linked space instead.
- Once the visit has been checked in, user can no longer update the Visit Record.