Booking a space in Flex

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2024

📌 Applies to app version 2023.02 or later

In Flex, you can create an ad-hoc space booking, recurring one, and add needed services or equipment to your booking. For meeting rooms, you can also choose the capacity and layout to accommodate the special needs you might occasionally have.

In Flex, there are two pages where you can make space bookings:

  • Single Booking
  • Advance Booking

By default, the Find a space section shows the Single Booking page first with search results based on your user preferences for the building, floor, and workspace type for today, and the booking would start now and until the end of your working day. Read more about user preferences here: Settings in Flex 

Booking a space starts with searching for an appropriate space, then you select one, and then confirm your booking. Additionally, you might need to add more details to the booking if you've selected linked spaces or you might need to select alternative spaces for recurring bookings if not all occurrences have an allocated space. Booking a space consists of the following stages:

  1. Searching for an appropriate space were you indicate your criteria. Read about searching for a space in Flex here: Search for a space in Flex.
  2. (optional) Editing search criteria to find better spaces.
  3. Selecting the space.
    ✅ It's worth checking the associated space information and booking policy if available. This may impact your selection of the space.
  4. (optional) Indicating that you book for someone else - employee of your organisation or an external visitor.
  5. (optional) Adding attendees if this is booking of a meeting room with the capacity for more than 2 people. 
    When adding attendees, you can indicate whether they need visitor access. For this, select the corresponding checkbox and provide necessary visitor details.
  6. (optional) Adding cost codes if applicable.
  7. (optional) Adjusting for linked spaces if applicable. 
    Read more about linked spaces in Flex here: Booking linked spaces in Flex 
  8. Confirming your booking.
  9. Adding services if applicable after your booking is confirmed. You can add services - equipment (hearing or presentation aids) or catering to your booking if the space allows it and there's sufficient time left for preparation. To have this available, make sure to first activate these search criteria.

Read more about single bookings here: Single booking in Flex 

Read more about advance booking here: Advance booking in Flex 

Booking approval

Some spaces may have an approval flow enforced by your organisation in the corresponding booking policy. Typically, these spaces are high-value boardrooms or other unusual spaces within your building. After you make a booking of such space, you will see your booking status still as New in green, just like other bookings under My Schedule > Bookings. Meanwhile, the responsible person will make a decision whether to approve or decline your booking. You will receive a corresponding notification about this.

After you've made a booking

Checking in

When you have a space booking, make sure to check in before your meeting within the allowed early check-in period that is set by your organisation. Also, mind the automatic checkout of the space if you don't check in.

You can check in to your bookings or to bookings made on your behalf. For this:

  1. On the My Schedule > Bookings page, click the pencil icon next to the upcoming booking that you want to check in.
  2. Click the Check In button on the left under the space details.

Checking out and cancelling

After your meeting or if you've finished your meeting early, remember to check out of the space to make it available to others.

If you don't need the booking any longer, make sure to cancel it and free up space for someone else. Go to My Schedule > Bookings, select the needed booking, and click CANCEL in the top right corner of the table with your bookings.

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